Well I for one am raising my hand, and I’m sure the guy in the bunny suit hanging on for dear life would raise his as well.
If you are nodding along, then you know that, heart in the pit of your stomach feeling. Like when you close the door, just as you realize the keys on the other side, kinda moment.
Right? Sick. I know!
That is the same feeling I get when I need to take action on a project that I don’t feel qualified for. That old “Imposter Syndrome” we talked about.
I’ll be 100, my Podcast was due out almost a year ago and I just will not publish.
You know any old excuse will do kinda thing. Truth is I’m just a big ol’ Chicken.
Yep. I said it. Cluck cluck honey.
Imperfect Action always beats No Action
We have all heard the Nike slogan, Just Do It! If it were only that simple, huh.
Sadly it really is. We just tend to talk, or in my case think our way out of crushing our goals.
So this post is me saying I will have the Job Optional Podcast released in ITunes before April 24, 2015. My Birthday FYI. In case you were thinking to get me something nice.
Please feel free to email me or call me out on social Media if you read this after the given date and I haven’t completed this task.
I’m sure there will be mistakes along the way and that’s okay.
Because there is a Woman out here, who needs me to fulfill my purpose to help her,
so she too can become job optional.
[smart_podcast_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/joboptional/001_Hook-Ups.mp3″ show_name=”001: Can I get a Hook Up?” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]
Ain’t nothing worse than jokers looking for a hook up. That’s right I said it!
I work too hard for my paper, and you think I should get less.
Yeah…. that would be a no. Run me my money.
Don’t keep letting folks cut into your pockets. I know it may seem mean to say no, but look at it this way.
These same folks will go somewhere else and pay full price, with no problem.
I’m just saying, get your money and let the leeches fall off.
I learned long ago all money ain’t good.
Your service is good enough to be sold, then it’s good enough to be regular price period.
Listen, this is Business and we are going to run it as such.
There’s not a person alive that doesn’t struggle with the so-called “Imposter syndrome”. If someone says they don’t, run girl cause they are obviously a liar.
It makes you feel like you can’t be your authentic self, and if you do people will think you’re trying to be something you’re not anyway.
It’s human nature to doubt yourself. That’s why so many Stars have body image issues.
We regular folks do it too, probably even more; considering we are compared to some crazy standard of beauty, that’s nearly impossible for those who are supposed to be the standard.
Now translate this into business, and you really see the effects. I personally can definitely relate. I have to make myself take those steps in my
business that are super uncomfortable on a daily basis.
I feel like a clown…
It’s crazy you have the knowledge, but feel like I’m not qualified, who am I to be doing this and why would anyone listen to me anyway.
I know honey, I’d rather stay behind my keyboard and post on social media before going to live events, It’s safe here.
Having set goals, keeps me accountable and pushing forward, because safe can’t grow me into Legacy.
Go on, get uncomfortable, you are more than capable. I know if I can do it, you definitely can!
When those creeping thoughts come to mind, remember, even the most influential person you can think of, is more than likely having the same
doubts you are. So you’re in good company, don’t let it keep you stuck.
That’s all I got for you today, holla at ya later,
Jenae Nicole
“Look closely at the present you are constructing. It should look like the future you are Dreaming.” – Alice Walker