How to begin again? Starting over is a double edge sword; on one hand, its a refreshing thought to have a “do over” however it also feels bittersweet to have to let go of the past wins and humble yourself to see the lesson and not the perceived failure.

Looking back is essential for accepting what was and learning what we need to move forward. A few of the takeaways I have got from this reflection are:
- You cannot do everything, burnout is real!
- Imposter Syndrome is a lie. You already have everything you need
- Pause does not mean stop
How did we get here?
It all started with a mental health break. I can remember being so discouraged by the rhetoric on social media and in the news during the campaign in which Donald Trump became POTUS.
The political mess was expected but the personal attacks seen daily on Social platforms from regular people including “friends & acquaintances” were just too much.
This coupled with trying to do everything on my own with as minimal paid resources as possible; amplified the feelings of overwhelm.
I found myself disengaging with everything social for my own peace of mind. This ultimately led to the identity crisis or imposter syndrome which feed into the long pause on Job Optional.

Now we move forward, and dust ourselves off. Re-establish the Job Optional Podcast, creating content focused on encouraging Women of Color launching their visions. Sharing my Side Hustle journey to becoming Job Optional.
Initially when I took the break, I wanted to change the direction a little, but was unsure what that looked like. Now as I have listened to a few of the old episodes it has encouraged me to stay the course… with a small pivot from teaching to sharing my process as I become Job Optional.
What Now?
I hope as I share my new journey you will be inspired and even learn how you too can Launch that dream business you’ve been dabbling with. I’m excited and equally terrified of this new chapter, so documenting this process is as much to help you as it is what I hope will be an amazing progression for me to look back and say I did it.