Starting Over

How to begin again? Starting over is a double edge sword; on one hand, its a refreshing thought to have a “do over” however it also feels bittersweet to have to let go of the past wins and humble yourself to see the lesson and not the perceived failure.

Looking back is essential for accepting what was and learning what we need to move forward. A few of the takeaways I have got from this reflection are:

  • You cannot do everything, burnout is real!
  • Imposter Syndrome is a lie. You already have everything you need
  • Pause does not mean stop

How did we get here?

It all started with a mental health break. I can remember being so discouraged by the rhetoric on social media and in the news during the campaign in which Donald Trump became POTUS.

The political mess was expected but the personal attacks seen daily on Social platforms from regular people including “friends & acquaintances” were just too much.

This coupled with trying to do everything on my own with as minimal paid resources as possible; amplified the feelings of overwhelm.

I found myself disengaging with everything social for my own peace of mind. This ultimately led to the identity crisis or imposter syndrome which feed into the long pause on Job Optional.

Now we move forward, and dust ourselves off. Re-establish the Job Optional Podcast, creating content focused on encouraging Women of Color launching their visions. Sharing my Side Hustle journey to becoming Job Optional.

Initially when I took the break, I wanted to change the direction a little, but was unsure what that looked like. Now as I have listened to a few of the old episodes it has encouraged me to stay the course… with a small pivot from teaching to sharing my process as I become Job Optional.

What Now?

I hope as I share my new journey you will be inspired and even learn how you too can Launch that dream business you’ve been dabbling with. I’m excited and equally terrified of this new chapter, so documenting this process is as much to help you as it is what I hope will be an amazing progression for me to look back and say I did it.

Happiness In the Face of the American Nightmare

 Happiness in the face of the American Nightmare Jenae Duarte

Happiness in the face of the American nightmare (day dream)


It has now been about 24 full hours since waking up to the stunning news that Donald Trump is our new President Elect of the United Sates.


Until yesterday most of the community considered this a joke and near impossibility, that someone who has insulted every demographic outside of white men could actually win the Presidency.


Well, it has happened and now we are already seeing the fruits of the dirty campaigning gimmicks coming home to roost.


Day one we have already seen reports of varying degrees of hate crimes and school place bullying. People of color being physically and or verbally attacked. Businesses and Property vandalized.


Love Trumps Hate… Right?


I’ll admit, my ever present optimistic attitude has definitely wavered. At this very moment, I can honestly say, I really don’t know how to describe how I’m feeling.


Mostly it feels like extreme exhaustion. The phrase “I just can’t” is the closest fit in this moment. I am just tired of the messiness of it all, as most of us I’m sure are.


The months of this crazy, contentious campaign season has literally blown any sense of human decency amongst our society. Some of the nastiest comments I have heard or seen in my lifetime have been in this election.


The reality is that  just under the layer of fragile civility there lies a huge festering wound of denial and unforgiveness and outright racism that has come pouring out into the light of day for all the world to see.





Dr. Martin Luther King Dream Jenae Duarte Happiness in the face of the American Nightmare

Martin’s Dream Equality for Every American yet to come


Boy, we’ve come a long way from being unpaid slave labor to build the very place that houses our first Black Commander and Chief.
One would think all is well with this one accomplishment that surely ‘Merica has moved on from its troubled past and are firmly pointed in the direction of hope and progress.


After all, we have a black president for god’s sake. So clearly we no longer have a race problem. NOT! The good old boy system of yesteryear is still firmly in place, as the results of the election proved. 


Moving forward how does one reconcile seeing someone who looks like you become the most powerful person in our country and yet still lives in fear of everyday regular task that most people carry on with no regard, Driving, walking sitting on my front porch, on and on…


Imagine how much more with a President who has made it clear he does not care about anyone without not only the complexion for the connection.

028 Reality of Racism in America

Job Optional Podcast with Jenae Nicole Duarte

Reality of Racism

The problem with Racism in America is that we have never truly dealt with the skeletons under our feet. The millions of Black bodies murdered and mutilated that’s never been acknowledged or apologized for.

Consequently there are a subset of people, who’ve benefited in one form or another and refuse to see the truth, that is smacking them in the face. It could be from guilt or ignorance, either way it is a huge contributing factor to the underlying tension that is always just below the surface of our everyday existence.



[Tweet “People are people, there are good people and bad people, period. ~ Jenae Nicole”]


Can we ever be truly United?

I deeply saddens me to know that we are still dealing or rather not dealing with this issue of Race and racism not only here in the United States, that let’s be honest we have never been truly united as evidence of the hundreds of years of persecution and prejudice of people of color.

I want to believe we as a nation will put this foolishness to rest in my lifetime.

I was very shocked to see an actual Black President elected. Trust I was holding my breath until the second term began. Literally waiting on the shoe to drop.

Sad but true…

At the end of the day, I’m ever hopeful the hearts and minds will change to be loving and accepting of others differences around the world. So until that day comes, let us show kindness and be the example daily of what we want to see manifest in our world.

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Key Takeaways from the Podcast

  • You will never know the impact your legacy will have
  • I shouldn’t be afraid because of the color of my skin


009: Elevate Your Vision


Elevate Your Vision-

You probably have heard the old saying “can’t see the forest from the trees”. We all have that one friend with the sorry tail boyfriend or ex, and none of our girls can figure out why she just can’t seem to stop messing with him. Right?

Now we can see it because we are not too close to the situation. That is how we need to think about our Business as well. Sometimes we need to step back and see things from another perspective. Hence today’s topic.


Elevate Your Vision


[smart_track_player url=”″ artist=”Job Optional Podcast” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_pinterest=”true” ]


Quit thinking small, point blank period. If you are ready to take this Passion project to the next level. Just know that you can’t walk where you cannot see.

I want you to stand up, close your eyes and take a step.

Exactly! you are not going to get anywhere fast without Vision. Personally vision has never been a problem for me. As far back as i can remember I’ve always seen much more for my life. For me implementation was my stumbling block.

The best way to make sure you not only see from another level but to also follow through is to get involved with a Mastermind.

Mastermind groups are simply a few people with like minded goals who are willing to commit to keeping each other accountable and open and honest sharing of ideas and support.

Masterminds help you see

  • Different points of view
  • By Elevating mindset
  • Build Relationship and Community


[Tweet “”Everyone can’t be a boss, somebody gotta be a worker” ~Jose Duarte”]


Expand your territory expect more

  • Be mindful of your vision
  • You are a World Changer
  • Some people don’t have a reference of more


Why my website has a view of the city from above

  • From the ground you cant see what’s happening down the road but from above you can see everything
  • Train your eye to see miles down the road as far as you can see
  • Too close to see the reality of the situation
  • Put an expectation bigger that you can ever imagine
  • Anything is possible expand your mindset


Everyone will not see  your vision

  • Know you will have dream thieves
  • The reality of the situation doesn’t negate the possibility
  • Never let anyone crush your dream
  • God puts everything you need for you to be successful with the vision


What’s your Vision Share it with the Tribe!





Imperfect action always beats no action

Imperfect action
Not my best idea.

Have you ever done some dumb *ish!

I mean that, all I can do is shake my head dumb.

Well I for one am raising my hand, and I’m sure the guy in the bunny suit hanging on for dear life would raise his as well.

If you are nodding along, then you know that, heart in the pit of your stomach feeling. Like when you close the door, just as you realize the keys on the other side, kinda moment.

Right? Sick. I know!

That is the same feeling I get when I need to take action on a project that I don’t feel qualified for. That old “Imposter Syndrome” we talked about.

I’ll be 100, my Podcast was due out almost a year ago and I just will not publish.

You know any old excuse will do kinda thing. Truth is I’m just a big ol’ Chicken.

Yep. I said it. Cluck cluck honey.


Imperfect Action always beats No Action

We have all heard the Nike slogan, Just Do It! If it were only that simple, huh.

Sadly it really is. We just tend to talk, or in my case think our way out of crushing our goals.

So this post is me saying I will have the Job Optional Podcast released in ITunes before April 24, 2015. My Birthday FYI. In case you were thinking to get me something nice.

Please feel free to email me or call me out on social Media if you read this after the given date and I haven’t completed this task.

I’m sure there will be mistakes along the way and that’s okay.
Because there is a Woman out here, who needs me to fulfill my purpose to help her,
so she too can become job optional.