024: Radio is Dead and Podcasting is a suspect

Radio is Dead Job Optional Podcast 024 with Jenae Nicole

Radio is dead … it just doesn’t know it yet

You’ve probably heard the term dead man walking before, denoting the man on death row heading to execution. I don’t want to sound morbid but the truth is this is the state or Terrestrial Radio today the real “Walking Dead”.

I’m not saying tomorrow you’ll cut on your car and your favorite drive time radio station is going to be kaput but hey prepare yourself because the day is coming. I’d suspect it’ll sputter along until most of us 70’s babies are too old to care anymore but I won’t bet my life on it.


The last few years we have seen the fall of major industries that let innovation and technology consume them before they could blink. For those skeptics who can’t see it, I’ll just say I bet the Hotel and Taxi industry wish they took the disrupters AirBnb and Uber a little more serious now that they are being decimated.


I saw the handwriting on the wall for radio in 2005 when XM Radio was just a startup. So for it to still be lingering on that speaks to the phenomenon we find ourselves in with the multitude of generations living at the same time. Anywhere from Great depression era to Millennial and all those in between.


As I’m a 70’s baby I can relate to radio but more on a nostalgic level than anything else. Personally I’d much rather pull up either on Apple music the exact song I want to hear at the moment vs. hoping to hear it and suffer through the commercials.


The one good thing about live radio is the traffic update but more than likely there’s an app for that…

Radio is Dead 1 Job Optional Podcast 024 JenaeNicole.com

I happen to be chatting with a friend who is a former super popular radio host about this very topic and they said emphatically Radio will never be gone or rather Podcasting will never replace radio. I partially agree with the later, as Podcasting is fast becoming a Buzzword or “It” medium of the day. I don’t see it completely replacing radio but more of one more deathblow to the staggering half dead victim to innovation.


[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/joboptional/Radio_is_Dead.mp3″ social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_pinterest=”true” ]



What do we want? Everything. When do we want it? NOW!

The sad truth is after the advent of the Microwave Oven we can no longer have patience to cook a baked potato in an actual baking oven.

We live in an instant gratification world, now where pretty much anything we want is within reach mere minutes of the thought of it. Never in the history if the world have people had access to as much as we do right now. And frankly I’m as much excited as saddened by it.

A big example of this is we are no longer teaching Cursive Handwriting but at the same time our kids can freely talk to and see cultures around the world at any moment.


Podcast indicted on attempted Murder

So my case for the death of Radio and who will most likely put the final proverbial nail?

I will put myself out there and still say Podcasting.


Just a few reasons are:

Radio is mad expensive to run, how do the keep the doors open? Advertisers/ Sponsorship. Both of these are looking for ROI (return on investment) correct.

To get a return someone must hear the ad first and then take action on that ad second. Basic Marketing 101 says it typically take 9 interactions before most people will take action. I don’t know about you but I can’t tell you when the last time I heard a commercial on radio that I didn’t automatically flip the dial.


First and foremost you had to catch me actually turning on the ‘regular’ radio (generally 1-2 per month) only because I’ll be in the car less than 10 minutes or some other unusual happenstance.


So, why Podcasting? Simply it checks all the boxes. We already have on demand radio with limited or no commercial depending on paid or free versions of Pandora, Spotify. Or YouTube if you’re desperate in the car. Then you have XM Sirius for the “Radio” alternative which a lot of popular radio personalities are already on as well.


Podcasting takes the morning drive and becomes a ride with your favorite topic, passion, guru etc. I have leaned more in one year listening to podcasts than I did in four years of High School. Literally thousands of topics to choose from, I’ve gone from Comedy with Charlie Murphy to Finances with Dave Ramsay.


Now with the popularity of the Serial Podcast and President Obama being featured on WTF with Marc Maron advertisers are taking notice. It’s only a matter of time as Podcasting continues to grow I expect to see the Advertisers are going to follow the ears that are attached to wallets. Especially super niche targeted ears.


A well placed Samsung sponsored advertisement on a popular Podcast about Technology will more than likely get a better response than a huge ad spend on Terrestrial Radio any day just based on our automatic dial flip ad reflex.

The beauty with Podcasting and advertising is when done well you really don’t even notice them, they are woven into the regular content like no big deal.

Some bigger podcasts go right out and do a true Ad roll i.e. “after this word from our Sponsors” kinda thing. I guess a major factor is your industry and your particular audience tolerance.


Either way, the case for Podcasting is pretty strong and I don’t foresee it slowing down anytime soon. I will say I know the Podcast is not the only reason radio is gasping for breath but it definitely kicked him while he was down.


020: 6 Months and 10 Lessons learned in Podcasting

10 lessons in podcasting JenaeNicole.com

My top 10 lessons learned from my first 6 months podcasting.

1. Save EVERY file before you say your first word

This is by far one of the most important tips I can give new Podcasters. When I tell you the heartbreak I experienced by losing one of my best episodes to date, simply because I failed to save the file first. Brings a tear to my eye just thinking of it.

2. Just start already

The moon and stars are never going to align just right for you to pull the trigger and just launch already. I can honestly say I only wish I would have stared sooner. Besides you might as well go ahead and resign yourself to the fact that at the very least your first 3 shows are going to be terrible.

You are a rare breed if you fly out the gates with pristine audio day one. I re-recorded my first show no less than 10 times and its still horrible to me. trust me on this one just do it and get over yourself.

3. Be your own truth, it’ll show 



[Tweet “You can only fake the funk for so long, before the real you begins to seep out” ~Jenae ]


4. Invest in your project

As i mentioned in episode 019 Being a cheap bastard is going to hold you back from your best potential. It is nearly impossible to start a proper Podcast with no money. It can be done but the question is will it be worth listening to? I tried to skimp as much as possible and it has cost me plenty in the long run, especially in TIME! If you are not willing to invest anything into your own passion what makes you think anyone should invest their time listening to you.

5. The real work begins after New and Noteworthy

There is so much hoopla about being top of New & Noteworthy (N&N) in iTunes for newbie Podcasters that we begin to focus so much on the rankings and less on growing our true fan base. Yes N&N is important but not as much as you’d think. One big thing though, when my time was up on the N&N charts man I dropped faster than a ton of bricks in downloads of the show. To combat this phenomenon I suggest getting into the habit early on of promoting the show twice as much time as it took to create it.

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6. It’s not about you

I know this show is your Baby your lovechild if you will, but ultimately the listener is what it’s all about in the end. The impact your words have on their lives is the true end game. Whether you have a Podcast about Comedy, Politics, Religion, Business or all of the above the end user will meet out its value.

7. Be proud of your lil Podcast and tell everybody

Self explanatory, go shout it from the mountains and everywhere. lol, no really Go. Promote, promote, promote.

8. Notice others shine.

9. Implement fast

This goes hand in hand with just starting, the quicker you implement the faster you can fail or yet succeed that much faster.

10. Don’t give up

Podcasting is going to get hard, really hard to stay the course. No REALLY HARD!





Podcast Movement




013: Overworked & Underwhelmed

Overworked and Underwhelmed on Job Optional Podcast with Jenae Nicole

Overworked & Underwhelmed


[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/joboptional/Overworked.mp3″ artist=”Job Optional Podcast” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_pinterest=”true” ]


Side Hustle Time Management 

Not only do we have the same business goals and objectives as well as home and family obligations we have a full time job that is a monster in and of itself to manage our time with.


And yes we chose this life and we can quit and throw in the towel at any moment if we want, but not us girls because we are World Changers and we never quit!


I know getting started with your Side Hustle has not been easy we feel overworked

With our ever growing to do list – website, networking, social media, content, products or services, clients, etc.


Underwhelmed with results so far, not seeing the amazing results some of your Entrepreneurial friends?


Your gift is for you; you were hand-picked for this mission, only you have the gifts, skills and talent to finish it.


But I digress this morning as my Pastor  was speaking about the Time we have here being a gift with an expiration date; being accountable with how we spend it.


So let that sink in them 2 bombs he dropped, we all know our time here will end for certain no one here is invincible and will live forever as much as the movies are selling that dream these days. As far as we know (side eye).


But he made such an impact on me today with saying we have time for what we want with the analogy of if you got free ticket to your favorite xyz you would find the time right oh all of a sudden a gap opened up in your calendar 🙂


For every yes we say, there is a no to something else, let’s just make sure we value our Relationships and don’t miss out on what’s really important.


App I use for email sanity is called Unroll.me.  Check it out, I promise you’ll thank me later. Also it’s FREE!


Key Takeaways

  • Time is a Gift with an expiration date
  • Time is the currency of Relationships
  • Make time for what matters most


[Tweet “Time spent will either end in Great Regret or Great Reward”]

Book of the Day

Business Resources

  • Unroll.me – Email subscription management tool (Free)
  • Email me at info@jenaenicole.com


007: Podcast Movement 15 Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways from Podcast Movement 2015

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What I learned from the best at Podcast Movement 2015

I am still reeling from information overload almost a month after Podcast Movement ’15! The organizers did such an awesome job with bringing some of the best in the industry to impart massive Epic content to us.

I and everyone I connected with at the conference and online afterwards have concurred that this is definitely the one you need to attend.

Lord willing, I will definitely be in Chicago next year. I encourage you to buy the Virtual ticket to #PM15 and get what you can and make sure you don’t miss out next year. Before you go though make sure and take my Conference  tips to help you be prepared.



[Tweet “”BE RELENTLESS!” ~ Aisha Tyler #PM15″]

Key Takeaways


PAT FLYNN: The Real Podcasting Struggle: You vs. You

  • We all keep this one Hater with us. Ourselves.
  • Associate with the right people, Power of the whole is greater than the single
  • Fear is a good indicator of what you should be doing; Transform by creating impossible goals.
  • Its not about you, it’s who is on the other side


ROMAN MARS: Designing a Career in Podcasting 

  • Telling the right story can change the feeling or perspective
  • Quality is the best Business strategy
  • Make as many good things happen as possible
  • If you can save the World time you’re doing god’s work 🙂
  • Own your work


LOU MONGELLO: 10 Questions

  • Success is measure by levels of happiness not money
  • Be the book you want to read
  • I don’t have competition
  • It’s about real connections
  • Legacy is not just money
  • You don’t know how you are going to affect somebody’s life
  • The only failure is quitting
  • There’s a fine line between brilliance and utter stupidity


AISHA TYLER: No Apologies: Creating Authenticity by Embracing Risk


  • Passion is the only ingredient
  • Be relentless
  • Don’t be afraid to pivot: quitting is not failing if you don’t enjoy it anymore.
  • Listen and do your best work
  • It’s not how hard you hit, its how hard you can get hit and get up.


JOHN LEE DUMAS: Deconstructing Podcasting Success: Real life stories of failure turned into freedom

  • If you want to be; Do.
  • What’s your courage story? Share it.
  • You want to be successful you have to be Consistent
  • Invest. Learn. Teach


Book of the Day


The War of Art:  Steven Pressfield

Business Resources


000: Introduction, Why Job Optional

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/joboptional/000_JOP_Intro.mp3″ artist=”Job Optional” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_pinterest=”true” ]

Introducing your Sista Girl Jenae Nicole and getting the reason why she created the Job Optional Podcast.

Sharing Internet Resources, such as apps, software and websites.

Be Inspired by stories from other  Black Girls who are Rocking out their Business.