Dreaming is vital for Business Success
It all starts with a Dream or Business Vision if you will. Even the Bible says the people perish for lack of vision. The point is that you cannot walk into what you cannot see.
Begin with the Dream, that thing that keeps you up at night that you daydream about when you have any idle moment.
Start there, create the blueprint and flesh it out. This is where you are going to to draw your motivation from to move forward when times get tough.
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The Blessing and Curse of having Business Vision
Most Entrepreneurs have great visions for what they want their business to look like and opportunities for expansion. The blessing is being able to see the opportunities available and the curse is being distracted by those opportunities.
You can’t chase two rabbits, going after several business options at the same time is just going to end in a mess. We must stay focused on one thing at a time and crush that before entertaining another.
The ‘shiny ball syndrome’ that is so common in Entrepreneurship makes you lose focus on the goal and then the business vision gets murky.
[Tweet “Discipline becomes dormant in the absence of a dream ~Rory Vaden”]
Hope deferred makes the heart sick but when the desire comes it is the tree of life Proverbs 13. This verse is so key because as you get off track and distracted your true desire getting pushed away you become discouraged when you’re not making progress in your business.
Having a clear vision and plan will help keep you focused on a single goal and lift you in times of hardship.
As I talk about on this episode of the Podcast, dealing with a lingering sickness and not having the energy to work on my passion, but having that clear vision and goal kept me faithful to keep going after missing several weeks.
Key Takeaways
- Don’t get distracted
- Follow one course until success (focus)
- Slow and steady wins the race
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